Thursday, December 13, 2007

NO CLASS TONIGHT (rescheduled details coming)

I'm going to find out what is happening with this impending snow storm. If class is canceled and/or conditions prevent you from coming to class, I would ask that you get your "last" projects to me by:

1) posting them, if they are video or web-based

2) dropping them off at the SPCS office (please label and bag them). I can then pick up tomorrow.

Remember you need to provide an artist's or project statement with your piece!

12:35 p.m. Update -- All classes after 4 p.m. are canceled today due to the storm. We can reschedule our class to either Friday at 5:30 or Monday at 5:30. Kim has posted a comment that she has another class conflicting on Monday, so I'm leaning towards Friday.


Kim said...
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Kim said...

Please let us know ASAP of the reschedule... I would have a conflict on Monday with another rescheduled class from 6-8pm - the other class is only 4 students so I may get that pushed back to it's normal time of 7:45 if I ask nicely and early enough (we decided as a class last monday to have the class early so we could get home early).

Ravi said...


I'm leaning toward Friday as you've indicated this conflict (and no one else has indicated a conflict with Friday).

The room is available either night, so unless I hear an avalanche of protests to Friday (and these would be legitimate conflicts, not "Class on Friday night?!" protests, of course) -- we will have class on Friday, same time.

holmes.larry said...

I am trying to move my plans around. Thanks for the information.


Engin said...

i have meeting tomorrow night so friday does not work for me. but if friday is ok for other people, i will try reschedule it.

Ravi said...


When is your meeting tomorrow?

I can try to schedule us as an abbreviated class from 5 until 6 on Friday if that works better for all.

Ravi said...

I'm now thinking 5:30 to 6:30 on Friday. Thoughts?

Kim said...

I'm coming from MIT, generally scheduled to work until 5pm, but I've been given permission to leave at 4:30pm on class nights. If 5pm is the consensus let me know asap so I can put in the request to leave earlier. My boss already left today (MIT is closing at 2pm woohoo!).

Otherwise if we're stuck with Monday, my other class is in Ryder 411, so I can run back and forth every 10 minutes or so hah.

P.S. Ravi I did manage to get the project completed on time.

Engin said...

my meeting is 6 pm tomorrow. i try reschedule it. i will give information until 3pm

Engin said...

ok i can come at 5 30 tomorrow night

Kim said...

5:30 works for me :)

Anonymous said...

ugh.. I am out of town starting at about 1:30 tomorrow.. I will have to drop my book off in the SPCS office I guess in Ryder. I cannot reschedule. I just looked just now.. I could do Monday, but it seems I am the only one.. :(