Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Assignment for October 4

1. Join class blog if you have not!

2. Sequence #1: Revisit your Composition #1 assignment by extending the idea within the image to a five image sequence to present in class. Stretch yourselves!


Kim said...

While I'm "stretching" ... can we use Photoshop to facilitate our sequencing?

Ravi said...


Can you clarify?

If it means cropping or maybe color correcting (so using Photoshop like it's 1991) then that's okay, but I don't want to get into too much manipulation of images.

Kim said...

Ok - I might be a little confused here - not sure how you want us to "break up" the image? Does this mean taking 5 separate pictures? My brain was stuck on one and then photoshopping it to turn it into 5 separate images.

Ravi said...

Yes -- five separate images! If you want to digitally arrange them so as to be one image file, that's fine (as one would do if pushpinning them to the wall).

holmes.larry said...

I'm trying to extend my "morning walk" image but work has kept me from one with good lighting this week. I'm going to try tomorrow and Thursday. I'm also just for fun going to try an evening one. I have a number of shots but not all from the same day. Are you looking for the images to tell a story? Do I want to set up my walk with images from leaving the apartmen?? (there are no stupid questions, hehe)

Ravi said...

Larry -- it's all up to you! Telling a story is certainly an option, but don't be afraid to make the audience work to divine meaning of something more abstract.

Kim said...

I scrapped my original image because there was just no creative spark there... I'm actually using images I just took on a recent vacation (I hope that's ok!) Nothing's really jumped out at me this past week and so these other images I think really helps capture what we're trying to do in this class. The only "photoshopping" I did on these was to resize them to make them all the same size, and maybe crop out a head or 2.

Ravi said...

Thanks for the update Kim -- we'll take a look at them tonight.